Saturday, 18 January 2014

Taking the Pulse ... and Mr. Not So Wonderful

I wish that there was a financial equivalent of Frank Magazine.

As loyal subscribers, we looked forward to reading about the exploits of prominent people who should have conducted themselves in a more seemly fashion. By far, Frank was one of the best sources of entertainment in Canada. While some critics contended that the rag was scurrilous and fed off the peccadillos of vulnerable individuals, the real value of the magazine, in my opinion, was that it provided a portal for “taking the pulse” of the Canadian community – the rough and tumble of “real life” as opposed to the kaleidoscope of mirages projected by image consultants.

Recently, I came across a very interesting blog penned by the staff of Wellington Financial LP.

Check out the entry for January 16, 2014 – a rather devastating commentary on the financial acumen of one prominent personality within the stable of financial commentators on CBC TV, and more lately, CNBC. I cringe at his attitude and his delivery. I much prefer thoughtful, considered commentary and above all, a capacity to recognize that one can be wrong. That January 16 entry alone incented me to subscribe to this blog. Wonderful! Highly recommended. Least you think that if focuses solely on the negatives, note that it delivers kudos as readily as it does brick bats.

In case your appetite for more commentary on the above-noted individual is not satiated, click on the following link:

I may revert to taking a morning coffee along with my flakes in order to make more time to savour this wonderful blog in addition to our local newspapers.

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