Thursday, 10 May 2018

Rewards of Investing

Sometimes it’s time to harvest some of the profits from investing.  As my mother-in-law used to say, “Shrouds don’t have pockets.”

For the past month, I have been walking on the Caminos in Spain.  I first walked the Camino Frances in 2011.  This time, I started on the Camino Aragones.  My blog can be accessed here:

Camino Song

I am now in England, staying at places operated by the Landmark Trust, a charitable organization that rescues and restores significant buildings at risk. It then rents them out to earn their keep

The Landmark Trust

From time to time, I review the performance of investments described in this blog.  Even though I have reduced my holdings by more than 50 percent in anticipation of a significant market correction, the performance by the remaining members of the crew has been gratifying.  More on this when I return to the hunt for more investments.  But for now, thoughts of things financial are far from my mind.